What a Wonderful Morning!

by TerryLema

This morning, this Scripture was in my email. “For God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you showed for His name when you served the saints—and you continue to serve them.” [Hebrews 6:10 HCSB]

God remembers the love we show for His children. It does not matter how great or how small it may be in man’s eyes, in the eyes of the LORD the love we give to others in His name is monumental. He remembers it all.

I greet some Sundays at CFC-Middleton. I also go down to pray for people on other Sundays at the end of service. I am so blessed to be a very small part of this growing, thriving community of believers.

I love seeing the children come through the door. I love knowing there is an Espanol service in the afternoon. Seeing people baptized is amazing.

I cannot help on occasion think about the years The Way occupied that building. I know I am not supposed to compare what God did during those years with what He is doing now in the exact same place. Yet, I sometimes do.

This morning, I was reminded that God remembers it all and that whatever He has called us to do to love and serve the saints (small or great) is blessed by Him. Ministry to the 1 or to the 50 or to the 500 or to the 5000, when done in the name of Christ Jesus and for His glory, is not forgotten. Thank you, LORD.

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