How we need each other! I prepare every week for Wednesday night Bible Study. I enjoy researching and studying. I go over early to the church and I walk around and talk to God for a while. I set the chairs around the tables, go over my Bible Study notes one more time. Then I wait.
Sometimes I read, or listen to music on my phone while I wait. I keep the outside door locked because I’m alone. Then I spot familiar cars pulling into the parking lot as the Wednesday night group arrives. I unlock the doors and when this little group comes in I am blessed and comforted.
Paul wrote from prison about the comfort he received from his fellow Jews. He said, “My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas…. Jesus, who is called Justus, also sends greetings. These are the only Jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and they have proved a comfort to me.” [Col 4:10-12 NIV]
Paul needed people. For him, having fellow Jews working with Him for the Kingdom brought peace and comfort. I think they gave him hope—they were a firstfruit that one day his own people would be brought into the Gospel of Christ. My little group on Wednesday brings me comfort also. I am not alone in my desire to know more of God, others also want to walk alongside. I will say it again, we need each other.
Father, thank you that others who love you are walking with me through this life. Amen.