We must be making inroads into that realm!

by TerryLema

I was reminded again recently what a tough world this is. Please don’t misunderstand, I know that there is joy, love and goodness also. I see it in my God, in my family, my church family and even in the acts of strangers.  But weaving through those things I also find difficulties, injustices, unfairness and evil. When these things approach me, I can usually deal with them. When they approach my children, my grandsons, my beloved friends, I get angry.  Recently, I got very angry with the enemy of our soul.

I remember people telling me as a new Christian that if the enemy of our soul wasn’t actively working against me it was because I wasn’t actively working against him!  In other words, if I was an ineffective Christian, content to just coast along, there would be no reason to attack.  But if I was making inroads into the realm of darkness, I should be prepared for the enemy to notice and do everything to stop me.  Well, we must be making some inroads into that realm!

Prayer. I think the enemy cares little if we go to church and listen to music and messages. Certainly, he’ll throw a few stumbling blocks in our paths, but nothing too aggressive. But when we pray, oh my, that’s a different story. When we approach the throne of God with the confidence that God will hear and will respond, and that we will hear what God tells us (and be obedient to His command), then the attacks get a little more intense. Prayer really shakes up the devil and his minions.

We must remember when this happens that we aren’t fighting people, which can be a channel through which attacks come.  We are fighting powers we can’t see, spiritual powers in heavenly realms!  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” [Eph 6:12-13 NIV]

Beloved, keep up the good fight!  If attacks are coming your way, and they are not of your own making (smile!), then you must be making inroads into the realm of darkness for the Kingdom of our Lord and King.

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