I bought another case of water in plastic bottles recently. I usually have a filtered pitcher of water in the fridge that satisfies my thirsts. Bob, however, prefers bottled water and since getting him to drink enough water is always a problem, I buy the bottles. When I came home from the board meeting Tuesday, an unopened bottle was sitting on the counter. I got lazy and grabbed it—only to have it leak all over me, the counter and the floor. Bob came out of his office as I stood dripping water everywhere and told me he accidentally cut into that plastic bottle when he was opening the case. Thanks for the warning.
The bottle appeared just fine, until I put pressure on it when I tried to open the cap. Unfortunately, we often resemble that bottle, we leak—emotionally, spiritually, mentally. We may look fine, but the minute pressure is applied from the outside, we realize that we are not.
God wants to fill us with His presence through the power of the Holy Spirit. He wants to fill us with hope and joy and peace and comfort. He wants us to overflow with power and love. And He will fill us. Unfortunately, until we reach our eternal home, we are going to keep leaking and will need to return to Him to be filled again and again.
Ps 16:11: You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. [NIV]
Father, thank you for always being willing to fill us when we seek You. Thank you for all the good things you put in our life. Remind us when we are getting low and need to return to You once again to be filled. Amen.