We Do Love! We Do Grace!

by TerryLema

I have been pondering a bit on my church being adopted by Christian Faith Center (CFC). We will be changing our name from The Way Middleton to CFC Middleton. We will be transitioning over the next months.

Don’t you like that word transition? It is a less threatening way of saying “change.” We all know what most think of “change.” We will be changing, however, and that is both threatening and exciting.

CFC is a big, modern, growing church. The Way is small and not very modern. We will be adopting much of CFC’s outlook, philosophy, and vision. At first glance, it seems that we have nothing to really offer, except for a building in a city where commercial buildings are scarce.  But I wonder if that is true.

Yes, we have a building. But we have much more than that. There is a plaque in the foyer of the church which expresses what we really have to offer. It reminds me every time that I walk through those doors that we are much more than a building … we are a church that is truly family—a family that loves, that does hugs, that gives grace to all.

A new attendee at The Way told me recently, I have never felt such love as when I walked through the doors of this church. Then she said, “I hope that doesn’t change after we become part of CFC.”

The Way has always sought to give God’s greatest treasure (His grace) to the least deserving—which is every one of us. I trust that will be the heart of CFC Middleton too. We can relinquish all that temporal, external stuff in the change, but we must keep a strong grip on the heart of a family that loves, hugs, and gives grace to all.

“By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” [John 13:35 HCSB]

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