Watch Your Step

by TerryLema

I Corinthians 16:13: “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. . ..”  “Watch, stand fast in the faith . . ..”  [NLT NKJV]

As I have aged, I heed the “Watch Your Step!” signs much more carefully.  When I was young and agile, able to leap and bound over things, it wasn’t as necessary to notice the “Watch Your Step!” warnings. If I tripped or fell, I just got up and brushed myself off and went on my way. Not so anymore.

I don’t bounce as nicely as I used to. When I fall, I stay down longer and get up slower (usually with needed help).  Then I feel it for days. I have learned to check for ice, check tiles floors when I have wet shoes, and be on the alert for broken sidewalks and uneven walkways. I “Watch My Step” even when there is no warning to do so!  Age has had that effect on me. The specter of broken bones keeps me awake to the dangers I face.

Scripture also wants us to be alert to danger, in fact that’s what the “watch” in I Corinthians 16:13 means, to be alert, spiritually awake, vigilant, and ready. It’s even translated “vigilant” in I Peter 5:8, “be sober, be vigilant (watchful) because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

I don’t know much about lions, I’ve seen them on TV and in zoos, but what I do know about them tells me that I would not want to meet one unaware and unarmed.

So how do we stay alert? In Scripture, the word “watch” is often coupled with the command to pray. Ephesians 6:18, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful …” and Colossians 4:2, continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant (watchful) ….”

Prayer and watching go hand in hand. Remember those “Watch Your Step!” signs posted everywhere? Someone put them there, someone went ahead of us and surveyed the terrain, noted the dangers, and issued warnings. Our job is simply to watch and heed the posted signs.

By prayer, we stay in touch with the One who has already posted the spiritual danger signs, the One who has mapped out the terrain, the One who hears the lion’s roar and warns us it’s getting close. It really is that simple. God tells us often in Scripture that he “watches” over us, but if we don’t keep our relationship with Him vital and current, we can easily miss His “Watch Your Step” signs. Today, practice listening to the Lord, and “Watch Your Step!”

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