Waiting for Your Withdrawal

by TerryLema

Wow, the last day of September. Boy, did that “ber” month fly by fast. I love the “ber” months (September, October, November, December) better than all the other months. (If you are like me, you just ran through the rest of the months checking to make sure there are no others!)

Autumn is here. Football is back. The dog days of summer are behind us. Trees will be turning soon, some have already and the smell of fallen leaves is in the air again. From now through December is my very favorite time of the year. Even more so this year since I’m skipping over Halloween and going straight to Thanksgiving.

As I walked once again by a display of Halloween in the local store, I praised and thanked God for all He is. My heart is filled with more joy than I thought possible.

Studying for yesterday’s message, I was reminded that we can’t follow Christ only during the good times and call ourselves the church. Being the church means we remain faithful to Him even during those times that involve suffering. No matter what life hands us … even when things are bad … God is still good.

It is God’s goodness that I am focusing on today. It is His goodness for which I am thankful and praising Him. We are probably familiar with, “God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good.” But do we really believe that? Do we act like we believe it? Or are our moods governed by life, rather than by God’s goodness. David wrote in Psalm 31: How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.” [v19]

Doesn’t that make you want to sing. God’s goodness is stored up for us – just waiting there for us to make a withdrawal!

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