Victorious Lives

by TerryLema

How do we live victorious Christian lives.  Too many of us are defeated. Each day when we get up the enemy of our soul runs us aground, there is no soaring on wings of eagles for us. We barely make it out of bed before we are beset with discouragement, hopelessness, defeat.

The enemy drives our emotions, fuels our addictions, tempts us constantly with that “sin that does so easily beset.” His goal is to keep us from living our life in the power of Christ and claiming the authority that is ours under the blood of Christ Jesus. Instead of taking our rightful authority in Christ over the enemy of our soul; we are waiting for him to leave on his own so that we might be the kind of people we know God wants us to be. The enemy, however, won’t leave on his own.

We need to remember that Christ already has gained the victory over him. Satan, the devil, whatever you want to call him, is a defeated foe. He was defeated through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Christ Jesus now sits at the Right Hand of Power of the Father and He has all authority and power given to Him.  But the best part is that we also have that power and authority delegated to us.

“God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” [Eph 2:6-7]

We, mere mortals, are seated already in the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus. We can live victorious in Christ. It’s about time we rose up as believers to claim our authority and power and remind the devil he’s defeated and has no part of us.

We may be mere mortals, but we are also children of God, seated in Christ Jesus in this age and the one to come.


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