Elizabeth II, Queen of England. Born April 21, 1926, Died September 8, 2022. Mother of four, grandmother, great grandmother. Served as Britain’s longest reigning monarch, 70 years.
Wanda, resident of Middleton Idaho. Born February 21, 1943. Died August 30, 2022. Mother of five, grandmother, great grandmother. Loved to sew, collect recipes, and read her Bible.
From what I have read, Elizabeth II, loved the LORD. She said in her Christmas message at the age of 90, “At Christmas, our attention is drawn to the birth of a baby. Billions of people now follow his teaching and find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them.”
From what I know of Wanda, she loved the LORD Christ Jesus with all her heart and soul. She lived her life as a disciple of Christ and never wavered in her faith.
A few days ago, much of the world watched the pomp as Great Britain celebrated the life of Elizabeth II. Crowds lined the streets for days and thousands waited hours in the rain just to walk past her casket.
Today, in Idaho, we will celebrate the life of Wanda. It will be a simple service, filled with love and laughter and tears.
Two women. Far different backgrounds. Far different lives. Yet … YET … as Elizabeth II and our sweet Wanda entered into the presence of their LORD, just a few days apart, both were greeted the equally. “Welcome home, precious child of God.”
We all come to the cross the same way, declaring our need for God, our inability to save our own souls. There is no rank. There is no special status. There is no respecter of persons.
I am pretty sure both Elizabeth II and sweet Wanda received the same praise, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” [Matthew 25:23]