Two Minutes!

by TerryLema

They missed it by two minutes!  Two minutes.

The FAA tower at the Boise Airport shut down the air space for commercial traffic on Friday so that the Thunderbirds and Snowbirds could practice for the air show on the weekend. There was one commercial flight fully loaded that was delayed for a couple minutes when the tower shut everything down. They missed being able to take off to their destination by two minutes. The airport pleaded with the tower to delay the shut down and let the flight leave, all to no avail. The passengers had to deplane and wait four hours for the tower to once again open the air space for commercial flights.

Two minutes. They missed heading to their destinations by two minutes. When the tower said it was time, there was no relenting. We know that God has set a time also. One day the Father will rise and say, “It is time. Gather my children.” And suddenly there will be no more time. There will be no arguing, no pleading, no relenting.

Jesus gave us a picture in Matthew 25 in the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Some were prepared and waiting for the bridegroom, others were not. When the time came, Jesus said, “…the door was shut.” Even though they stood outside and begged to enter, the door remained shut.  [Matt 25:10 NIV]

Maybe they’ll miss it by only two minutes, like that plane trying to take off from Boise last Friday. Oh church, the time is running short, we need to be prepared ourselves and we need to bring as many as we can into the kingdom before that door is finally shut.

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