Today’s the Day

by TerryLema

Today is the community-wide launch of Christian Fatih Center (CFC) Middleton. We will be headed over to the church before the first service at 9:30AM. I am a greeter today. I will stand at the door, smile, welcome, shake hands with some and hug others as they enter that old log cabin building (now refurbished!).

The Way Middleton will finally and completely be CFC Middleton. The Way will fade into the past. CFC will burst into the future. Yet … as I sit here this morning pondering what has transpired over the last few decades, I see God’s promises given to so many.

In the 1990’s someone decided to plant a church in Middleton called New Beginnings. I don’t know the names of all those first pastors. I just know it met in a rented facility when Bob and I started attending and eventually assumed the leadership for the church in 2008.

In 2010 the church was renamed The Way, and a handful of people were given the opportunity to rent and then finally purchase a log cabin church in the center of town. Those few people and others who joined them prayed fervently over the years for God to reach the people of Middleton with the Gospel. They yearned to see the church grow, to see people saved and set free by the LORD Christ Jesus.

In 2022 a new young pastor took over leadership of The Way and a subsequent joining with CFC saw the beginning of a new phase of God’s promises for Middleton. Today that promise takes the next step.

The church buildings have changed. The people have changed. But God’s promise to the people of Middleton remains sure. As we were reminded last Sunday night, standing in that log cabin building, God “will build [His] church, and the gates of hell will not overpower it.” [Matthew 16:18]

Thank you, LORD, for Your promises that are always “Yes and Amen.”

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