Today we read of the trial before Pilate, the crucifixion, death, and burial of our Lord Jesus. It is a sad chapter with very little to rejoice in, except for a wonderful promise found in verse 43.
Jesus was crucified between two criminals. One of the criminals yelled insults at Him. “Aren’t You the Messiah? Save Yourself and us!”, while the other rebuked the first. “Don’t you even fear God since you are undergoing the same punishment? We are punished justly because we’re getting back what we deserve for the things we did, but this man has done nothing wrong.” [vs 40-42]
Then this second criminal did something amazing, he turned to Jesus and made a request. “Jesus, remember me when you come into Your kingdom,” and Jesus did something even more amazing! He made that criminal a promise. “I assure you: Today you will be with Me in paradise.” [vs 42-43]
My grandfather was an atheist. My grandfather also loved me. He would take me to the “French Club,” the neighborhood bar in Charleroi, PA, buy me a soda and set me on the bar’s counter while he drank beer with his buddies.
My parents moved out of Charleroi, and I started school in a Catholic school in Sewickly, PA. There I learned about God. I began to send letters to my grandfather about faith—about salvation as a first and second grader knew it.
When my grandfather lay dying, he asked my aunt to call the priest, which she did. The priest led him through the sinner’s prayer where my grandfather renounced his sins and accepted Jesus as his Savior. He died shortly after. When they cleaned his room, they found all my letters under his mattress.
My grandfather made heaven just like that criminal on the cross next to Jesus. He did nothing to earn salvation, he didn’t understand faith and salvation probably much more than I did … but Christ Jesus saw his heart and brought him into the kingdom. I so look forward to meeting him again when we all gather around the throne.
Praise His Wondrous Name, Amen.