by TerryLema

I’m tired and my legs are weary. I wear a Garmin Vivofit to count my steps each day.  When I first started using it, I was getting around 3K steps each day with a goal of eventually reaching 10K steps. I got to that goal, only to discover that the Garmin kept adding steps; recently my goal was at 14.5K.  I kept up with that goal until last Sunday. When I went to bed that evening with almost 15K steps logged, I realized that I’ve exceeded what my 71-year old body can do right now.  So, I dialed it back to 11K as my self-imposed goal. It’s time to rest a bit.

I was talking with someone before prayer the other day. She said that she had spent the day before doing nothing. Her life has been very hectic and she was tired. She felt guilty. I told her not to accept that guilt. There are times in our life where rest is just as spiritual as work. Jesus called His own disciples to rest after a time of ministry in Mark 6.

Psalm 91 opens with a promise of rest and refuge.  “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” [NIV]

The enemy of our soul loves to drive us to exhaustion so we cannot minister or lull us into complacency so we will not minister. I truly believe God expects us to be wiser, to discern when we need to move, but also when we need to rest.

Father, today I rest my spirit, soul, and my body in Your Presence and grace. Amen.

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