To Whom Shall We Go?

by TerryLema

Ever been asked a question to which there is only one right answer?

John records a conversation in Chapter 6 where Jesus said some difficult things to His disciples. The chapter opens with the feeding of the five thousand. Afraid that the crowd might try to take and make Him King, He withdraws and then later walks on the water to join His disciples who were traveling over the sea toward Capernaum.

When the people finally track them down, looking for another free meal, Jesus begins a conversation that confuses some and alienates others. Many of His followers were offended by His words and “turned away and deserted Him.” [vs 66 NLT]

Jesus asks the ones remaining, “Are you also going to leave?” [vs 67]

 That is a question that has only one right answer and Simon Peter gets it right. “LORD, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” [vs 69a]

Ther are times in life when things get difficult. Trials and tribulations seem to surround us. We might even wonder where God is or why He seems so silent. It is then that the enemy of our soul will try to convince us that God doesn’t care, and we should just walk away.

BUT … where would we go? To whom would we go? Christ Jesus our Savior and LORD is the ONLY One with words of eternal life. Abandoning Him would be to abandon all hope.

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