Time to Notice the Good?

by TerryLema

I usually attend a couple prayer meetings each week. I cherish the time with other Christians placing our requests before our Father God, something He invites us to do. It’s an enriching experience to hear others pray and to sense the concerns of their heart for God’s Kingdom, our world, and individuals.

The one thing I have noticed, however, is that often we focus almost totally on the ills around us. We should, of course, pray about the things that are wrong, but if we consider prayer as conversation with our Almighty God, should we not also note the things that are right?

For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” [Ps 33:4-5 NIV]

The NKJV renders that last line, the earth is full of the goodness of the LORD.”

It isn’t healthy (in any conversation) to always focus on the problems or difficulties. If we did that with our friends constantly, I’m not sure how long they’d last as our friends. We must talk about the good too. With God, we should also come to Him with “His unfailing love” and “goodness” before us and thank Him for it.

Sometimes it is enlightening to take a walk with a child and notice how they see all the wonder around them. “Oh, look, a flower,” or “look a rock,” or “wow, a big worm!” (I walked with a lot of little boys!) Children can find joy and wonder everywhere.

Maybe next time we take a walk with God in prayer, we should spend some time noticing all that “unfailing love” and “goodness” He has placed around us.

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