Tidings of Comfort …

by TerryLema

One of my favorite Christmas carols is God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. While I love the words expressed in the many verses, I love the small “chorus” that comes at the end of each.

“O Tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy.”

Don’t you love that word “comfort,” especially when we know that God is our comfort.  David expressed that wonderful truth in that most blessed Psalm 23. “I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” [vs 4]

I was a Hospice Chaplain in California before coming to Idaho. I did a lot of funerals. Too often, the elderly were unable to attend church and as churches changed pastors or congregations, they lost touch. As chaplain I was often called upon to conduct their services. I did some for others also who just never made a church connection. I tried to make each service as personal as possible, but I almost always recited Psalm 23 just prior to the closing prayer.

Our LORD is our comfort. Jesus identified Himself as the Great Shepherd. Because He is, we can fear no evil. He is always with us. His rod to protect and correct, His staff to lead and guide bring comfort to our souls.

Comfort. During the holidays we often reflect as much on what we have lost as what we have gained. Many have lost loved ones, family, or friends. Some have lost income, or experienced divorce. Children have grown up and perhaps moved far from home.

Christmas can remind us that what we used to have, may not be ours anymore.  That is when we need those “tidings of comfort and joy” that flow from the Nativity.

God has come to comfort us. We have a LORD who knows what it is to experience loss and pain with us, who mourns with us, who weeps with us. In that I find the greatest of “comfort.”

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