The Worst Form of Government

by TerryLema

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

That quote is often attributed to Winston Churchill. There are various thoughts on why he said that, and even what he meant when he said that.

While the USA is often called a democracy, technically we are not. We are a democratic republic, which is a bit different. We elect representatives to do the will of the people. Sometimes they do what we want and sometimes they don’t.

We just had a mid-term election. Lately, watching these elections is almost like going to the circus. There are things going on in any number of rings, high flying acts, elephants and donkeys performing tricks, and of course, bring in the clowns.

Still, democracy is considered the best form of government over the others. But is it?  I think I am more inclined to a different kind. One described in Psalm 47.

“Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our King, sing praise! Sing a song of wisdom, for God is King of all the earth.  God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne.” [Psalm 47:6-9 HCSB]

Our God is King of all the earth. He reigns over every nation, over every form of government. He is seated on His Holy Throne, and no one can unseat Him. He cannot be voted out. He cannot be overthrown. The will of the people will not overrule Him. He is King. HE IS KING OF KINGS!

Thank you, LORD. Today I will focus on my God the King, seated on His holy throne. I will praise you because You reign forevermore! Amen

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