In Psalm 143 the psalmist prays, “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.”
Too often we fuss about God’s will. Is this God’s will, or is that? Should I go there, or not? Should I do this or something different? I think the enemy of our soul loves to keep us fussing about God’s will because then we end up doing nothing.
So dare I say this … it’s more simple than we make it out to be. It can be summed up in one verse. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.” [Rom 8:29 NKJV]
The will of God for His children is that we be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus, our Lord. The Father intends for all of us to have the character of His Son. It is that simple … and yes, it is that complex.
What makes us look like, talk like, and act like Jesus? That is what plays out differently in each of us. The goal is the same for all, the pathway to that goal is different for all.
Yet, as we all aim at and walk towards that same goal, we can encourage each other, and help each other along the way. When we know what we are aiming for, it’s a lot easier to get there. We can judge each opportunity that comes our way in light of the goal … will this serve to make me more like Jesus?
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Do whatever it takes, Father, to make me more like Jesus. Amen.