I have two great doctors. One is my go-to-for-everything doctor. She’s so special because she’s willing to spend time and talk if you need that. She’ll come in with lab results, high-five, and say “stand up and we’ll do the happy dance!” I have a new doctor surgeon, a young no-nonsense-straight-in-your-face doctor. She’s also special in her positive can-do attitude. I really like these two women.
My doctor surgeon was up front when she told me there was an unexpected result of the first surgery, one that only 1-in-600 women experience. (Aren’t I special!) When she came in to consult just prior to taking me in for the second surgery, she was cute and said that there is a third complication that can result from the second surgery, one that only 1-in-300 women experience (requiring an additional surgery). Then she smiled and reminded me that while I had already found myself in the first group, she’d do everything she could to make sure I didn’t find myself in the second! So far, it appears she kept her promise.
I found myself despite all these “complications” very peaceful, maybe even perfectly peaceful. I was reminded of the beautiful promise in Isaiah. “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” [26:3]
It is possible to find peace amid difficult circumstances. We do it by “Trust[ing] in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.” [26:3]
It is so important that we place our trust in the Lord and it is vital that we do that in the good times. We must drive our pilings deep into The Rock, establish our foundation upon Him. That way when the storms blow (be they small storms or massive ones), our foundation of trust is sure and our minds are steadfast on Him. Then will we have that perfect peace promised by our LORD.