The Quietness of Peace

by TerryLema

Warm weather is here, many add “at last!” to that remark.  For me it means I need to do my outside walking much earlier in the day, usually after breakfast. A new road has also opened that allows me to completely encircle my subdivision without having to backtrack. It’s a 2-mile route, so perfect for my long walk of the day.

As I walk, I listen to worship music on my MP3, and I praise and worship. I think, and I pray. Last week, I had barely begun walking when the battery in my MP3 player quit. I had forgotten to re-charge it. I decided that for that one morning, I would simply listen. Perhaps the hardest thing in life is to calm our thinking, stop our talking and simply listen.

I heard the distant sound of a train whistle crossing the tracks a couple miles away. I heard many cars on the interstate as it was during the morning commute.  I heard killdeer, doves, and noisy red-winged blackbirds. I heard the laughter of two boys heading to school on their bikes. I heard the breeze as it rustled the leaves on the trees.  I heard the roar of school buses heading up the street to the elementary school I would pass.

And I heard the peace of God in my soul. I wasn’t wrestling with any great sin that morning. I wasn’t upset or worried—not even about my kitchen being in disarray or wondering where the deductible would come from in our tight budget. I wasn’t debating anything or trying to arrange any bargains with God. My soul was quiet and at peace with my Lord. It was well with my soul.

Philippians 4:7:  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. [NIV]    “It Is Well With My Soul”

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