Promises, promises. How easy it is to say, “I promise,” and for many those two little words are little more than just too little words. My kids would often say, “But Mom, I promise!” And as a mom I realized they were just hoping to sway me from my chosen course with words, there was little resolve to truly keep the promise.
I’ve done it myself. “Oh God, get me out of this and I promise I’ll never do it again!” And before I know it, I’m right back in the same situation, hoping once again to sway God from His chosen course with my words.
In Isaiah 40, God told the prophet Isaiah to “Comfort, comfort my people” and He began the message of comfort with a promise, “prepare the way of the LORD, make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God . . . and the glory of the LORD will be revealed and all mankind together will see it.” [40:3-5]
God’s promises, however, are never empty as ours often are, and the prophet begins, “A voice said, ‘Shout!’ I asked, ‘What should I shout?’” Suddenly the promise of comfort gives way to revelation and there begins in verses 6 to 25 a revelation of the Almighty God. Listen to His words, “the word of our God stands forever . . .the Sovereign LORD comes with power and his arm rules for him . . . He tends his flock like a shepherd . . . He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth . . . He stretches out the heavens like a canopy.”
That passage ends with the great question, “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?’ says the Holy One.”
Only One as great as the Holy One can truly bring lasting comfort. A comfort that begins with a promise and then gives way to revelation of the Promise-Giver. Who is equal to our God? He and He alone can back up the wonderful promises that have been made.