The Price is Right

by TerryLema

My husband loves The Price is Right. He watches it every weekday morning. He wants me to watch it with him. I do okay except for the contestants that scream, fall down on the stage, and generally act like idiots.

This year, he discovered The Price is Right at night. It is usually on Wednesday nights. The other Wednesday they aired two shows. Two hours of The Price is Right. Two hours of screamers. Two hours in a row of people who were acting like they won the billion-dollar lottery when it was just a new fridge or a hammock.

After the first hour, I put my ear buds in, pulled up my music and listened to some of my new favorite songs while “watching” The Price is Right with Bob. As I listened, the “Goodness of God” came up—at the same time a particularly loud and obnoxious contestant appeared on the show. I could not help but compare- what the world values and what a Child of God values.

“I love Your voice. You have led me through the fire. In the darkest night You are close like no other. I’ve known You as a Father, I’ve known You as a Friend. And I have lived in the goodness of God.”

 As I watched people get excited over a vacation or car, I listened to those lyrics and thought about God’s goodness in my life – how He has been with me even when I fought Him. He has touched my life in so many ways. He has loved me even when I was unlovable. What a blessing to have “lived in the goodness of God.”

“His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” [2Peter 1:3 HCSB]


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