The Opportunity of Time

by TerryLema

September 17

I wrote on my Facebook page last Monday … “Well, except for nearly getting killed on I95 in Oregon, it was an uneventful trip home! Some ‘fruitcake’ in a pickup decided to pass a semi and came straight for us. Bob was able to jerk our car off the roadway or it would have been head-on. Thank you, Lord, that there was a decent shoulder on that section of the road. Thank you, Lord, for Bob’s quick thinking. Thank you, Lord, for getting us home safe and sound.”

 We were almost home, just a few miles from the Oregon-Idaho border when this happened. We were traveling the speed limit, 65 MPH. We were doing everything right. Someone else, however, grew impatient behind a semi and flew into our lane of traffic heading straight for us. Bob later told me he thought he might roll the car he had to swerve so hard to get out of the way. It happened so fast I didn’t even have a chance to be frightened.

It didn’t take me too long to realize three things …1) just how fast our work on earth can be over, 2) how we are safe in God’s Hands until He determines our work is over, and 3) I had better be about my work while I have the opportunity. My time will come, it just wasn’t last Monday at 1 PM on I95 in Oregon.

The Lord gave Peter a warning of his impending death. That prompted Peter to once again remind people of the things they needed to remember after he was gone. He took the opportunity of the time he had left to continue to preach about the life, death and resurrection of His Lord and Master. We too, should use the opportunity of time to do likewise.

“I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.” [2 Peter 1:12-15 NIV]


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