The Miracle that is Me

by TerryLema

I was reading a Spurgeon daily devotional for January 14. One sentence stopped me in my tracks. “The life of a believer is a series of miracles wrought by ‘the Mighty God.’”

We love miracles, all of us do. Nothing better than to hear about a miracle. Maybe it’s a tumor that was there and after prayer suddenly isn’t. Or perhaps it’s an accident that should have happened while we were driving to work but somehow didn’t (that’s my most recent miracle!). Miracles do come in all shapes and sizes and to many different people.

But when I read Spurgeon’s comment that the life of a believer is a series of miracles, it truly made me stop and think. I came from a family whereby all indications I should be in therapy today! But God called me, me! He gave me an invitation to become His child. Then He provided the grace I needed to respond positively to that invitation. He did away with the old man inside me that had a dark, corrupted heart and made a new creation in me. He turned my hard heart into one that was tender before Him.

If that was not enough, He sent His Spirit to dwell in me, to lead, convict, guide, teach, enable me to become more like His Son, Jesus, my Savior. He speaks to me – God speaks to me! He speaks of His love for me – for me!

He has provided a miracle healing for a child of mine; He has kept a marriage going for almost 52 years; He has opened doors I needed to walk through and closed others.

He has promised me an inheritance kept for me in heaven. He’s promised rewards and crowns and the wonder of an eternity spent in His presence.

This is not limited to “me” – every believer can write a story like this of the miracles that have flowed into their lives from the Mighty God. What’s your story?

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