The King is COMING! It’s a done deal. There will be no debate. The only vote you can cast to be part of His Kingdom will be your very soul in surrender at the foot of His Cross.
The King is COMING! He will have the highest honor. There will be no demand for recount, no squabbling over the validity of an election. The Kingdom is His.
The KING is Coming! When He comes His name will be honored above all names. He will be King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. All will declare that He is Christ Jesus, Lord of All.
The KING is Coming! And when His name is spoken, every knee will bow. Some will bow in marvelous adoration to see this One they have served and loved and longed to see. Some will bow because it is demanded. They will bow with anger and hatred in their hearts. But they will bow, nonetheless.
The King IS Coming! Nothing will stop or hinder His Coming. Nothing will prevent or diminish His right and authority over all of creation.
The KING is Coming! Right now we have a choice. We can bow our knee in surrender to His marvelous grace and mercy. We can accept the salvation He died to make available to us. Or we can reject His call. We can ‘postpone’ bowing our knee … until that one day when He comes, but then, be assured, we will bow in sorrow and shame.
THE KING IS COMING! [Philippians 2:9-11]