The Just Judge

by TerryLema

So often I hear people demanding justice. They want wrongs made right. They want to see the ones who pervert the law held accountable. There is something in us that looks for someone to stand up against the evil that too often reigns in this life.

Did you know there is a Psalm about “The Just Judge?” It is Psalm 94, and it is a cry out to the “LORD, God of vengeance” to appear and repay the proud and wicked what they deserve. As I was reading it this morning in the HCSB, I came across two startling translations of verses 8 and 20.

Verse 8 demands of those who think God does not see their wickedness to “Pay attention, you stupid people! Fools, when will you be wise.”

Verse 20 speaks of those in authority who band together to condemn the righteous and the innocent. “Can a corrupt throne (government)—one that creates trouble by law—become Your ally?”

Wow! I would say that it looks like we have not learned a lot down through the centuries. Fools still deny God. Corruption is still prevalent in those who rule.

But I hate to end on that note, so I will remind you also of the promise of God found in Psalm 94:18-19. “If I say, ‘My foot is slipping,’ Your faithful love will support me, LORD. When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.”

Just a reminder, no matter what we see flourish around us (fools or corruption), our God is still on the throne, still supporting us with His faithful love, still singing over us with joy!

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