I grew up in a denomination that mixed grace and law. Every week we recited “The Apostles’ Creed” that told us Jesus was born of a virgin, was crucified, died, resurrected and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God. It reminded us that He would judge the living and the dead. He was the source of salvation, sent by God.
What I understood from the day-to-day practice, however, was different—that Jesus came and died on the cross to make the “down payment” on my salvation; now it was up to me to keep up the “installments.” The installments constituted keeping the rules and regulations (law) as well as certain ceremonial observations. Miss an installment you just might miss heaven.
I wasn’t very old before I realized that I could not keep up the installments. I wasn’t very good at obeying the rules and regulations. So, I lived in fear.
Unfortunately, too many live in that same fear, governed by rules and regulations instead of allowing the liberty Christ purchased for us to reign in us. Christ came that we might be set free. Not free to sin, mercy no! But free to submit to the Holy Spirit and be led, governed internally by God. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” [Gal 5:1]
The Spirit created in me a love for the Savior. He created in me a desire to live my life pleasing my Father God. He created in me a channel whereby the love of God could flow through me to others. That is freedom, grace, liberty … whatever you want to call it. It governs our hearts with grace.
Why, oh why, would we want to go back under the “installment” system!