The Hope We Have

by TerryLema

“And who will harm you if you are deeply committed to what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear or be disturbed, but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame.” [1 Peter 3:13-16 HCSB]

I looked at the first part of this verse yesterday.  Today the second part is my focus.  This admonition has always made me think.  There are so many parts “… always be prepared … give an answer … the hope you have … do it with gentleness and respect … keep a clear conscience.”

I know so often we talk about being prepared to answer when people question us, but I think the toughest part … and what may get even tougher now … is that part about the hope that we have.  As the world gets darker leading into the return of Christ Jesus, having hope and making that hope noticeable to others is going to get a lot tougher.

We can’t be running around frightened by the changes we see. That is what many people want to see – Christians on the run!

We can’t be depressed, the world already knows all about that.

We must be hopeful amid all this hopelessness.  That is the only thing that will stand out enough for people to ask … “how can you be so hopeful?” Then Peter reminds us that our responses must be gentle and respectful.

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