Over the past week I have had a personal prayer request. I have asked a few people to pray about it without revealing what it was about. It’s what we often call “unspoken.” Some people don’t like to pray for “unspoken” prayer requests; they want all the details. The reasoning is that they won’t know how to pray if they don’t know the situation.
I have never minded praying for or asking others to pray for “unspoken” prayer requests. Sometimes the things that are on our heart are deep and private, yet we appreciate and need others to help. As of now, I haven’t had my “unspoken” need settled. I’m still in waiting-mode.
I know what I want the LORD to do, but hopefully, I am not so arrogant as to demand He respond that way. I pray fervently that no matter how this situation turns out, that I have the grace to accept God’s decision. After all, He knows the future, I don’t. He knows what is best for me, I’m not always sure. He knows the best timing, I’m pretty much a “right now!” kind of person.
I remember this morning the promise God gave in Rom 8:26-27. He promised that the Holy Spirit of God would help us in our weakness … even in our weakness when we don’t know how to pray for a situation.
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”
I trust that the Spirit of the Living God has taken my prayers for this unspoken situation and molded them to the will of my Father. I trust that my Father will give me what is best and will provide the grace to acknowledge and obey His will.