The Final Word

by TerryLema

I looked around today and my heart was saddened by what I saw. While there is so much that makes life beautiful, there is also so much which makes life ugly.  (Most of which we can find on the evening news.)

I am tired of politics and the often-hurtful rhetoric that accompanies it. I am sick at the increase of violence. I struggle with what is going on in our education systems, our businesses, our social media, our neighborhoods.

In much of our nation, Christianity is under attack. The very ones that demand tolerance for their lifestyle refuse to grant it to others.

Perhaps even worse, some people who claim to “be” Christians, act like anything but what Christians should act like.

There is much to discourage. Still … If we believe we are heading closer each day to the LORD’s return, we also must acknowledge that the days and times will become more challenging for those who long for it.

But we can be comforted even amid the trouble because God WILL have the last word.

“We may make our plans, but God has the last word.” [Proverbs 16:1 Good News Translation]

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