The Fight is Here!

by TerryLema

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a former actor and comedian who rose to prominence playing a character on a popular TV show who accidentally becomes the Ukrainian president. Zelensky turned his success into politics, running for office in 2019 on the back of a political party named after his show, “Servant of the People.”

The last few days as Russia has invaded Ukraine, Zelensky has proven himself to be a hero of his time and a spokesman for democracy and freedom. According to the Associated Press, Ukrainian President Zelensky turned down a U.S. offer to evacuate him from Kyiv, saying: “The fight is here: I need ammunition, not a ride.” 

As Christians, we can echo Zelensky’s comments. “The fight is here.”

All we have to do is re-read Matthew 24 to know that the end times will be extremely difficult. The world will see wars and rumors of wars. Followers of Christ are described as being handed over for persecution. They will be hated by all nations because of the name of Jesus. But Jesus calls us to endure to the end.” [vs13]

We know that God provides spiritual weapons for the spiritual warfare we will face. Ephesians 6 describes those weapons. We also know that many anticipate a Rapture prior to the return of the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, Christ Jesus, that will remove Believers from this earth prior to the final time of Tribulation.

I do not know if I believe in a Rapture or not. I look for it. But if it does not come, I ask God for the commitment and strength to endure to the end.”

As Believers, we need to remember that the fight for the name of the LORD is here and now, in this world where we are. We need to appropriate the “ammunition” found in Ephesians 6 (the weapons of Spiritual Warfare) and we need to remain strong and faithful to the LORD God Almighty.

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