The Eyes of the LORD Roam

by TerryLema

One of my favorite assurances in Scriptures is found in 2Chronicles 16. That chapter speaks of an incident in the life of Asa, King of Judah. During his reign, Baasha, King of Israel, started a war effectively isolating King Asa.

King Asa had a choice. He could call out to God for rescue, or he could look to man. Asa made the choice of looking to man and enlisted the help of Ben-Hadad, King of Syria.

Ben-Hadad did rescue King Asa, but it was the wrong choice. God sent the prophet Hanani to Asa and announced the consequences of his foolishness. “In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” [16:9b NKJV]

Isn’t it interesting that even though King Asa had a successful outcome to his problem, in God’s eyes it was a failure.

 God also reminded Asa of something vital for all of us to remember … this is the assurance I love! “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”  [16:9a NKJV]

We have the assurance that God is eager to show Himself strong on our behalf. No matter where we go in this world, no matter what we experience in this life, God is looking for ways to prove His care for us. We just need to make sure that we make the right choice – to look to Him instead of to man.

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