The Eyes of the LORD

by TerryLema

2 Chronicles 15 tells us about the Revival that happened in the Kingdom of Judah under King Asa. He removed the idols from the land, renovated the altar of the LORD and removed the obscene image of Asherah his grandmother had made.  The chapter ends with the notable declaration that “there was no war until the thirty-fifth year of Asa’s reign.”

The nation lived in peace for 35 years, then everything changed in year 36. The Northern King of Israel, Baasha, went to war against King Asa. Asa’s response was not to turn to the LORD, but to buy the assistance of King Ben-hadad of Aram. God did not miss that and sent the prophet Hanani to King Asa to declare His displeasure.

God’s message was clear that He had proved Himself strong to King Asa in the past and that “You have been foolish in this matter. Therefore, you will have wars from now on.” [2 Chronicles 16:9b HCSB]

God’s message to the king through Hanani is pretty common for kings in the Old Testament. For many of them “being foolish” was a common trait. They looked past God and forgot all He had done for them in the past and sought help from men.

When Hanani declared God’s displeasure to King Asa, he also reminded Asa that the eyes of [the LORD] roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His.” [vs 9a HCSB]

Unfortunately, “being foolish” is also a common trait for many of us. Too often we look past God in times of trouble and forget all He has done for us. Too often, we seek help elsewhere first. In 1 Peter 3:12, Peter echoes a reminder similar to Hanani’s. “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their request. But the face of the Lord is against those who do what is evil.” [HCSB]

God continually “searches” the world for opportunities to show Himself strong in our behalf. Let’s not be foolish but turn to Him first for help in times of trouble.


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