Ever look at a keyboard. You’ll notice that all the letter and number keys are always in the same location – they never change. We can trust that “r” and “t” will be next to each other, and 1 through 0 will always be in the same order.
The auxiliary keys, however, are a different story. That little delete key is typically on the upper right, but the surrounding keys can be different. Perhaps the delete key on your keyboard is next to the airplane mode key, or something else – like the print screen key. That’s where my delete key is and it’s not a good place for it. Whenever I make a mistake and need to delete something, I often hit the print screen key instead – which on my operating system automatically saves my screen (with all my mistakes) out there somewhere in the clouds.
Thankfully, that is true only for my typing mistakes and on my Windows operating system. It is not true for my sins. God promised Jeremiah, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.“ [31:34]
The writer of Hebrews thought that was such an important promise relating to the New Covenant in Christ Jesus that he repeated it in Hebrews 8:12.
God also promised Micah that “[He] will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” And Isaiah reminds us that “[God’s] salvation will last forever, [His] righteousness will never fail.” [Micah7:19; Isaiah 51:6]
All my typing mistakes may be recorded and saved in the clouds. But my sins, Praise God, are forgotten and cast into the depths of the sea – forever!