When you get to the last song in the Book of Psalms, to the last verse, you are left with one command. “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” [Ps 150:6 NIV]
Well, I’m still breathing, so I guess that means me!
Last Friday I arrived for our Pursuing the Presence Prayer two hours early. The church was empty. I set my things down on a table, turned on a CD and in just a moment, I began to praise my Lord and Savior. It didn’t require a lot of lead-in time. It didn’t matter what songs were playing or how loud or soft the music was. There was no one else joining me. I just began to praise.
Soon, I could sense the sweet presence of the Lord. Later, two others joined me and they too, sensed His presence. Sometimes we get loud as we pray, sometimes we plead or cry for revival. Friday we just sat with Him.
I usually am pretty good with words, but I can’t seem to find the right ones to describe Friday night. All I can say is that I didn’t want to leave … and I want to go back!