That Good Thing!

by TerryLema

In Paul’s second letter to his son in the faith, Timothy, he tells Timothy to “Guard, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, that good thing entrusted to you.” [2Timothy 1:14 HCSB]

God’s message of redeeming love had been entrusted to Timothy. Paul did not tell Timothy to add to it or to improve on it in any way. Timothy has one glorious responsibility, and that is to guard “that good thing” through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.

We, too, have been entrusted with God’s message of redeeming love.

The word “entrusted” means a deposit that has been committed to our charge. It is used to describe the correct knowledge and pure doctrine of the gospel which is to be firmly and faithfully held. It also carries with it the idea that the good thing entrusted to us is to be conscientiously delivered to others.

The Gospel is never selfish. It is not to be apprehended and then secreted away. It is to be embraced personally and then revealed to others.

Recently someone won a $1.73 billion lottery in California. That person has gone into hiding. He/she does not want anyone to know they have all those riches until they can secure their own trusts and strategies. He/she is not broadcasting to anyone their good fortune.

It is not so with the Gospel (which is worth so much more than $1.73 billion!). Once we possess that “good thing” we are to immediately share it! And amazingly, once we begin to share, we find we are not diminished but increased!

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