I was reading a book recently and one of the chapters ended with, “Thank you Jesus for ….” The book’s author thanked Jesus for a spiritual truth and then thanked Him for chocolate! I chuckled, especially since I often reach for spiritual truths and a bitter chocolate square on a difficult day.
It is April, about five months past Thanksgiving. Maybe we have been slacking a bit in our response to God for all He is doing in our lives. I think I have. My attention has been on other things the past month and my thanksgiving and praise has ebbed a bit.
I had my 11th infusion on Tuesday. Do I feel any better than after my 10th? Not really. Thank you, Jesus, for doctors who are concerned and trying to find a solution for my auto-immune diseases.
I have had my 2nd COVID vaccine and was able to go to California and spend time with my son, daughter-in-love and grandsons. Was it enough time? Nope. Thank you, Jesus, for those that developed that vaccine that enabled Bob and I to go to California and hug our loved ones.
I woke up this morning with aches and pains from the disease and side effects from the infusion. Does my body hurt. Yep. Thank you, Jesus, for walking with me today, for letting me sense Your Presence with me on these difficult days.
All our bills are paid for this month and there is a little left over. Do I worry about paying the bills after I retire from the church? Yes. Thank you, Jesus, for my “daily bread” and for the assurance that I need not borrow trouble from tomorrow since today is all I need to concern myself with.
I am thankful today, Jesus, for the blossoming spring flowers, for the beautiful blue sky, for the everyday beauty around me. I am thankful that I have family and friends that I love and who love me in return. What a glorious day to be alive in the LORD!
“Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” [1Thessalonians 5:18]