
by TerryLema

I was never much of a crier. I was much more an in-your-face-shouting-door-slamming type. (I probably still am, except for the grace of God!) Not being a ready crier served me well over the years, allowing me to minister to others in extremely difficult situations. Many times as a pastor and hospice chaplain I needed to focus on others’ needs and not my own emotions.

But as I drove to Costco last Friday, tears streaming down my face, I realized that because of the grace of God, I cry easily now—especially when I think of God’s love, His mercy, and His care for me.

I was achy, tired, and just wanted to be home in my easy chair with a book. Then a hawk flew over. Hawks remind me of God’s goodness for me (long story!). I began to praise my Father for His loving care, and tears started to flow. Then another hawk went by, more praise, more tears. Then a third hawk!  Before I reached Costco I saw five hawks, each sighting deepening the realization of my God’s love.

I remembered the words of the psalmist in Psalm 56: “You Yourself have recorded my wanderings. Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your records?” [vs 7-9 HCSB]

God spoke to my heart that He has captured every tear I have cried. He has recorded every time I needed Him – and found Him!  He knows my weaknesses and strengths. He is with me in both.

I still am not much of a crier, until I remember Christ Jesus my LORD. Then I am very much a crier.  My God is so good!

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