Sweet Red Rocker

by TerryLema

I realized a few months ago that not one of the chairs in our home was comfortable. One was too big and I needed all kinds of pillows to be comfortable. One hurt my neck. One’s seat cushion was too thin, so it grew more uncomfortable the longer I sat. And the loveseat was Bob’s domain since it was the only seating high enough for him to get out of.

So Bob and I took a little trip to a neighboring town and bought a new red rocker recliner for me. It was more money than I wanted to spend, but oh, is it comfortable! The only downside is that my sweet red rocker recliner confuses my Fitbit watch.

If I rock a certain way, my Fitbit discerns that as steps. If I crochet in it, it also adds steps. And if I rock AND crochet at the same time, I can make my way to 10K steps every day and never actually take one step. But while rocking and crocheting may confuse my Fitbit, my body is not confused. It knows I haven’t moved, and it reminds me with stiffness, weakness, and achiness. There are no shortcuts to getting my steps in each day. I must actually move.

There are also no shortcuts to keeping my spiritual muscles healthy, I must move with the LORD. Otherwise, it will not be long until I experience weakness of soul and spirit.

In Deuteronomy 10:12, God told the new nation of Israel what He required of them. “What does the Lord your God ask of you except to fear the Lord your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.” [HCSB]

To respect the LORD our God by walking in ALL His ways, loving him and worshipping Him with ALL our hearts and souls is not achieved by rocking in our sweet red recliners. It requires diligence, commitment, perseverance, and determination.

Grant, LORD, that we may walk with You all our lives. Amen.

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