Jesus is Risen!
Three of the most powerful words ever uttered across this universe. Death is done. Sin has been atoned for and captives have been set free.
Jesus is Risen!
The way to the Father has been opened, the blockage of man’s rebellion removed by the death of God’s Sinless Passover Lamb.
Jesus is Risen!
The peace promised at His birth has now been granted to all those who place their faith in Him. The war with the Creator caused by mankind’s rebellion is over. Peace, PEACE(!) reigns in hearts now and will one day reign forever in the New Heaven and New Earth.
Jesus is Risen!
The tomb could not hold Him. The serpent could not destroy Him. The keys of death and Hades could not be kept from Him! Soon He will judge the living and the dead, but for those who are His followers by faith, there is, therefore, now no condemnation.
Jesus is Risen! He is risen indeed!