
by TerryLema

It is now summer! It is hot! I can almost hear some of you jumping up and down and shouting Hallelujah!  I, on the other hand, hate summer—always have. I do not like the hot weather. My favorite season is fall (probably because that signals that summer is over!).

This is supposed to be a ridiculously hot summer. They are already talking about rolling blackouts and electric failures in several states. From what I understand, most scientists agree that the climate around our globe is changing. Where the controversy occurs is whether this is man-made change or one of the natural climate changes that have occurred down through history.

Change. I have heard it often quoted that “the one thing that never changes is that everything changes.”

Some change is good and welcomed. Some change is not. When change is not what we perceive as “good,” it often causes stress.  I woke up the other morning thinking that even aging changes. Just when I think I have adjusted to some phase of aging and am confident that I can handle it with grace, I find there is a new level waiting for me around the bend with changes I must now face.

Ah, BUT, I have one thing in my favor. No matter what changes in me or around me, the LORD God Almighty does not change!

Malachi 3:6: “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” [NKJV]

James 1:7: Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him there is no variation or shadow cast by turning.” [HCSB]

Go ahead summer … go ahead life … take your best shot!  My God does not change, nor will He back down from anything. He is with me whatever, whenever, and FOREVER! Amen.

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