Still Other Seed Fell on Good Ground

by TerryLema

A long time ago, decades really, when our children were young, Bob and I hosted seven men who had come to Sacramento for Bible training. They were from Canada, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Indonesia, and two from the USA. One spoke very little English. One did not bathe regularly, as that was “unmanly” in his culture. A couple had no idea what was being served to them at mealtime since they had nothing like that in their own country. But all loved the Lord and were enthusiastic about serving God. They danced and sang with our children in the evenings. It was a great experience for them and for us.

I was reminded of the young man from Nigeria today, John Okoriko, when I read the article in the Christian Post.  It opened: “Church leaders in Nigeria have said that Christians are experiencing “pure genocide” as 6,000 people…have been murdered by Fulani radicals since January.”

The article went on to declare that 200 Christians have been martyred in just the last weeks. I wondered about John. I wondered about all our young men.  Are they still alive, are they still serving the Lord? What happened to them when they returned to their native lands.

At times we only have a short while to make an impact on people for the Lord.  We scatter our seed, we water the seeds already scattered. We may or may not see the harvest. That does not negate the command to scatter our seed to everyone in courageous humility.  We invested a few weeks into seven young men. They took our love and God’s love back to their home lands. I pray they were able to reap a harvest there.

Mark 4:3-20: Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times.”  Then Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”  [vs 8-9 NIV]

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