Sleep, Blessed Sleep …

by TerryLema

I do not sleep well. There are multiple reasons why. I know the medication I take for the auto-immune diseases can often produce insomnia. There is also the fact my sleep is frequently invaded by pain. But I think the worst thing is the inability to roll over (often a symptom of the disease). Because I cannot roll over, I must sit up and then change positions. I do that often during the night, more often on nights when I am struggling with pain and trying to find a comfortable position.

To me, uninterrupted sleep is a memory from the past … as well as a desire for the future!

I am blessed, however, in the middle of the night when the aches are winning and sleep is elusive. I am blessed because I know the LORD is not asleep either.

Psalm 121 describes “The LORD our Protector,” and it promises us that our Wonderful LORD will never be slumbering when we need Him.

“He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber. Indeed, the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep.”    [Psalm 121:3-4 HCSB]

Whether I am having a good night of sleep or one where I am awake much of it, the LORD will not be slumbering but watching over me. Whether I am having a good day or one that is not, I need not worry, the LORD is not asleep but watching over me.

The LORD is my Protector, he neither slumbers nor sleeps. Hallelujah!


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