Silent Saturday

by TerryLema

I always think of this day as Silent Saturday. Jesus’ body is in the tomb, guarded by Roman soldiers. The disciples are huddled in the Upper Room for fear that they will be next to be arrested and crucified.

The women are silently preparing the anointing spices so that when the Passover is completed, they can anoint the body of their friend.

I think Mary must have been stunned as she witnessed her son die, the one who was prophesied would save His people.

Peter must have been in agony knowing that he had, just as Jesus said he would, denied Him three times.

Silent Saturday. A day without hope.

A day when shock probably drove the remembrance of Jesus words from their thoughts. “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies. He will be killed, but three days later he will rise from the dead.”

Silent Saturday. All those who loved Jesus must have thought Silent Saturday would go on forever … but it would not!

Tomorrow, everything in all creation will change forever. Resurrection Life is only hours away.

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