Serious, Disciplined, Persistent

by TerryLema

Last Thursday morning I accepted an invitation to pray. The invitation came in the form of an announcement at the Sunday service at Christian Faith Center (CFC) Caldwell. “Prayer across all CFC campuses @ 9 AM Thursday!”

That announcement actually just gave the time and location of the invitation.  The invitation to pray is found throughout the Scriptures, as well as the attitudes we need to have regarding praying.

 “Now the end of all things is near; therefore, be serious and disciplined for prayer.” [I Peter 4:7 HCSB]

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.” [Romans 12:12 HCSB]

Peter reminds us that we need to be “serious and disciplined,” while Paul tells us we must be “persistent.”

Praying is difficult for many reasons, otherwise, why would we be warned to be serious, disciplined, and persistent if it was easy.

The enemy of our soul hates it when we pray and will put every obstacle in our way to keep us from gathering in prayer. Our own natural man also hates it when we pray and will convince us that our prayers don’t matter, or that we are too busy, or that “it’s boring!”

Praying together and having the Almighty God of the Universe in our midst (where two or three are gathered) is one of the greatest privileges given to men and women. It is an invitation we should be so honored to receive AND respond to.


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