Scalloped Potatoes

by TerryLema

I was looking for a recipe online for scalloped potatoes last week. Suddenly, my inbox, my newsfeed, Facebook … everywhere I looked online I found scalloped potato recipes. (Which wasn’t nearly as bad as when I looked up incontinence.)

Funny. Except. I also recently clicked on an article about why people are leaving Christianity, and the same thing happened. Article after article on what is “wrong” with the Church, and why people are “leaving” (according to those secular authors) “in droves.”

The world has gotten quite efficient in getting its message out to everyone. One click, one search will inundate us with like-articles and ads. Not bad when we have a variety of scalloped potato recipes appear – not good when we have a variety of worldly “opinions” on the aspects of our faith and faith-walk.

Way back in Paul’s time, he also combated misinformation about the resurrection of Christ Jesus our LORD and our faith. He said, “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things [that there is no resurrection from the dead and that we should feast and drink for tomorrow we die], for ‘bad company corrupts good character.’” [1Corinthians 15:33 NLT]

That corrupting “bad company” now invades our home via the internet, online games, etc. And its message once given is repeated and repeated. We must be so very careful what we “click” on and allow to mold our thinking to the world’s message.

Holy Spirit, keep our minds and thoughts on things that strengthen our faith and faith-walk. Amen

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