Safe in God’s Love

by TerryLema

One thing I enjoy doing is reading my Bible. And one thing I enjoy most is reading different translations. I have a shelf full of Bibles in various translations, but I also have a Bible App that allows me to instantly change translations for comparison. I did that this morning reading in Jude.

Jude is an interesting letter, warning that evil prophets had brought false doctrine into the church and the saints were in danger of being deceived. It is a warning of the danger of apostasy – the abandonment of truth faith. It is certainly a book relevant for our times as we grow closer to the End Times.

Jude warns that we need to know the true Gospel if we are going to protect it against false doctrine. We need to personally have a life changed by surrendering to the LORDship of Christ Jesus. We must have an authentic faith that produces Christlike behavior.

All that to say that while reading verses 20-21 in a new translation, I came across a lovely, comforting thought. “But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will KEEP YOURSELVES SAFE IN GOD’S LOVE.” [emphasis mine NLT]

Amid the dangers of the End Times, we can “keep [our]selves safe in God’s love” by building each other up in holy faith, praying in the power of the Holy Spirit and eagerly awaiting the return of our LORD Christ Jesus.

Wow! “Safe in God’s love.”


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