Running Late

by TerryLema

We went to a different church a couple Sundays ago. There were some people gathered in the lobby in groups talking to each other. We were a bit early, so we grabbed a couple donuts and Bob grabbed a coffee. Then we sat in the lobby while we polished off our breakfast.

When we entered the sanctuary, we spent a few minutes talking to the usher at the door. Then when the countdown clock hit 1 minute until the start, we quickly chose our seats. We had a wide choice. Every chair was empty.

There were a couple men in the sound booth, and eight people on the platform ready to start song service. During the first song two more people took their seats. Others came in over the next 30 minutes. As they did, I remembered something Pastor Jim said. He said that people who are consistently late to services show a disrespect for God.

When that song service started, Jesus was there. He said that “where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.” [Matthew 18:20 HCSB]

We were gathered in His name. He arrived on time. The worship team began singing songs of praise to Him. The four of us standing in the sanctuary were praising Him. He was there.

I wondered as I watched people drift in if they realized how disrespectful that was. Not just to the worship team, but to the LORD Himself. I wonder what their reaction would be if they could have seen Him with their natural eyes waiting for them to come into His presence.

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