Rescue & Reward

by TerryLema

Enemies – we all have them. I remember my mother telling me once when I was a teenager that no matter how great and wonderful I was, there would always be people who did not like me. That has proven true through the years.

I have acquired some enemies because of my own careless or hurtful words or actions. Others became enemies through no fault of my own but because I am a Christian.

Psalm 18 was written by David when he was rescued from his enemies, namely King Saul. It begins with a wonderful section of praise for God’s rescue.

“I love You, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I was saved from my enemies.” [Psalm 18:1-3, 20 HCSB]

Wow, look at that list of attributes of this LORD we love so much.  Strength. Rock. Fortress. Deliverer. God. Mountain. Refuge. Shield. Salvation. Stronghold. Savior.

Have you known the God of Rescue as David did?  I have. Have you had times in your life when God brought His strength to bear while you were overcome with weakness? I have. Have you been hidden in the rock, in His fortress, on His mountain, in His stronghold in times of danger? I have.

But notice when you read David’s song of rescue the interesting turn in verse 20. There He acknowledges not just rescue, but reward. “The Lord rewarded me ….” [vs 20]

The LORD rewarded David. It isn’t enough for God to rescue us. In His faithful love, He also rewards us – not because of our righteousness remember, but because Christ died for us and gave us His righteousness. Blessings upon Blessings. Rescue & Reward.

Thank you, LORD. Today we focus not just on rescue, but also on that marvelous inheritance you provide for us in Christ Jesus.  We thank You for both rescue and reward. Amen

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