Reaching Forward, Pressing Toward

by TerryLema

Philippians 3:13-14:  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus [NKJV]

What a beautiful word picture Paul paints in this wonderful and very familiar passage.  Think about those phrases, reaching forward and press(ing) toward.

Reaching forward is NT:1901 epekteinomai (ep-ek-ti’-nom-ahee); to stretch (oneself) forward upon.

Press(ing) towaris NT:1377 dioko (dee-o’-ko); to pursue.

My local NBC channel has already started advertising for the summer Olympics in Paris next year. I love the summer Olympics, especially the races. How many times during the summer Olympic games do we see runners press(ing) towardreaching forward to cross that finish line?  Some even flat-out dive for it.

Sprinters, milers, marathoners all have the same goal, to reach that finish line.  Some are racing for gold, others know that medaling is out of their reach, but they are representing their nation, and they are determined to finish the race. It will not matter if they are first or last, they are finishers!

God has set our racecourse for us individually.  We don’t run the same race as anyone else.  Yet we all have the same goal – the prize God awards to those He calls in Christ Jesus.  We all want to be finishers, completing our race, bringing honor to our Lord and Savior.

Lord, I want to run my race and finish it well.  I want to press and reach for that prize.  I want to bring honor and glory to my Lord.  Give me perseverance to run, and the strength and determination to finish.  Amen.


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